
Breathing means life.

Die Pneumologen in Basel helfen Ihnen


The lungs provide us with the oxygen we need to survive. If oxygen absorption is impaired, shortness of breath seriously limits quality of life. Our pulmonologists are here for you and will help you catch your breath so you can achieve better quality of life.

Through personalized care and with state-of-the-art technology, you will receive the best possible treatment at our practice Herz-Lungen-Praxis.

Diagnostics from a variety of perspectives

The heart and lungs are not only close together in the body, but the functioning of one also influences the functioning of the other. Overlapping symptoms are therefore possible. The team of experienced pulmonologists and cardiologists at the Herz-Lungen-Praxis is specialized in detecting and treating these symptoms.

We take time to listen

The patient consultation is central to our work. We respond thoroughly to your questions and concerns. Since information about pre-existing medical conditions also helps us make a diagnosis, please bring existing medical documents with you to your appointment. You are welcome to bring a companion to accompany you. We will find the path that is right for you. It is important to us that you are actively involved in making decisions about your care.

Women and men with the same illness often display different symptoms. We take this into consideration. We can perform urgent exams at short notice, and we provide continuous care for chronically ill patients. It's your health, after all.


A lung function test can be appropriate if a patient is experiencing shortness of breath or a recurring cough.

It can provide information about

  • Lung capacity
  • Obstructions during exhalation
  • Gas exchange in the lungs
  • Checking the effect of medications


During the test, the patient sits in a glass booth and breathes through a mouthpiece for the measurements. The nose is held closed with a clamp so that the exhaled air flows through the mouthpiece only and can be precisely measured. First, breathing is measured at rest. Then the patient must breathe in and out as deeply as possible several times. Finally, the patient breathes in as deeply as possible and out as quickly as possible.

The next step is examining gas exchange in the lungs. This requires the patient to hold their breath for several seconds.

Parts of the test may be repeated after inhaling a medication.


Approx. 1.5 hours consultation with the doctor, preparation, blood gas analysis, lung function testing

Pneumologie Basel Bodyplethysmographie (Grosse Lungenfunktion)

A bronchospasmolysis test, also known as a reversibility test, is a test performed with medication and is often used in diagnosing asthma.

For a bronchospasmolysis test, a lung function test is performed before and after administering a medication that expands the airways (bronchodilator). In people with asthma, bronchodilators cause constricted bronchial tubes to expand.

It can provide information about

  • Effectiveness of medications that expand the bronchial tubes, such as salbutamol, in improving lung function, especially forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1)
  • Severity of an obstruction


FEV1 is measured with a spirometer 15 minutes after inhaling the medication and is compared to the measurement before inhalation. If the result is better than the value measured before inhaling the medication (increase of 200 mL or at least 15 % compared to the initial value), the medication has helped, meaning an asthma diagnosis is likely.


Approx. 1.5 hours consultation with the doctor, preparation, blood gas analysis, lung function testing, bronchospasmolysis

Pneumologie Basel Bronchospasmolyse

If obstructive sleep apnea syndrome has been discovered in a patient, CPAP treatment can be useful. This prevents the airways from collapsing during the night, thereby preventing breathing interruptions, decreases in blood oxygen level and waking reactions of the body.


The diagnosis is made through a patient medical history, a physical exam and a polygraph. If there is evidence of sleep apnea, the patient is first provided with comprehensive information about the diagnosis and treatment options (including CPAP ventilator treatment at home). The patient has the opportunity to see and try out the treatment with the CPAP device and mask at the practice. If the patient decides for this treatment, a mask will be fitted and the treatment initiated during the same appointment.

The heart and lung practice takes care of the settings for the devices.


2 x approx. 1 hour, first appointment, lung function, polygrafie
Second doctor's consultation, therapy

An inhalation provocation test of the lungs can determine or rule out the presence of an allergy. Specific symptoms: constriction of the airways (reduction of forced expiratory volume in 1 second, FEV1). This can be confirmed in a lung function test (spirometry or body plethysmography) and by observing and documenting the reaction after the provocation.

It can provide information about

  • Airway symptoms and constriction of the airways that can be caused (“provoked”) by nonspecific respiratory stimuli such as methacholine.
  • Oversensitivity of the lungs (bronchial hypersensitivity)
  • Allergies


For the provocation test, a test solution with the bronchial irritant (methacholine) is inhaled so that it comes into contact with the bronchial mucus membrane.


Approx. 60 minutes

Illnesses or conditions with increased daytime sleepiness affect both fitness to drive (basic medical requirements) and driving ability (current state of the driver).

It can provide information about

  • Daytime sleepiness


The patient or test subject sits in a low-stimulus environment at sunset and must attempt to stay awake for as long as possible. Sensors register if the person falls asleep. The procedure consists of multiple rounds of a predetermined length, which are repeated at a specific time interval.


Approx. 2.5 hours consultation with the doctor, preparation, osler test with breaks

Pneumologie Schlafmedizin Vasel Osler-Test (Wachbleibetest)

A polygraph measures the following signals

  • Breathing during sleep
  • Snoring – pathological or otherwise
  • Blood oxygen saturation – oxygen deficiency during sleep as stress for the body
  • Heart rate
  • ECG
  • Body position and movements

It can provide information about

  • Presence of sleep apnea syndrome and its severity


At the heart and lung practice, the patient is shown how to put on the device. The device is then worn on the body for the entire night. The patient sleeps at home in their own bed, not at a sleep laboratory. The device is then returned to the practice the following day before noon.


3 – 8 hours (nighttime recording during sleep)

Polygrafie_am Model_1_bearb

Pulse oximetry measures blood oxygen levels. It indicates what percentage of the red blood pigment hemoglobin is oxygenated.

It can provide information about

  • Oxygen deficiency in the case of lung diseases, such as pneumonia or an asthma attack
  • Oxygen deficiency in the case of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome


The patient wears a small finger or nose sensor. The results are saved over 24 hours and assessed at the heart and lung practice.

Dark nail polish or false fingernails can alter the results. We ask that patients refrain from wearing these during the test.


3 – 8 hours (nighttime recording during sleep)

Pulsoxymetrie_am Model_1_bearb

We help our patients quit smoking by providing medications such as verenicline (Champix), or alternatively bupropion (Elontril).


After a medical history and physical examination, an initial CO measurement in the exhaled air is taken (breath test for carbon monoxide). For patients receiving medication to help them quit smoking, CO measurements are monitored regularly (in some cases monthly) and documented.


A total of 3 months

The prick test is an allergy testing method.

It can provide information about

  • Allergy


A prick test may also be called a scratch test. A solution containing an allergen is applied to the skin. This is then lightly pricked or scratched. The liquid enters the skin and, in the case of an allergy, causes a skin reaction at the corresponding spot. If the patient is not allergic to a substance, the skin at this spot does not react. In the case of an allergy, a welt forms on the skin. The bigger the welt, the clearer the indication of an allergy.


Approx. 30 minutes

Kardiologie Pneumologie Basel Pricktest (Allergietest)

It can provide information about

  • Lung volume, respiratory volume and respiratory flow rate
  • Distinguishing between an obstructive (associated with constricted airways) or restrictive (associated with limited elasticity or deterioration of the lungs) pulmonary disease
  • Monitoring the progression of a pulmonary illness


During a spirometry test, the patient breathes through a mouthpiece and a tube into a device called a spirometer. The nose is held closed with a clamp. The spirometer measures and records the amount of air flowing through it and the air speed. At the instruction of the medical personnel, the patient changes the depth and strength of their breathing. The measurements taken are represented on a graph. They provide information about possible pulmonary diseases or the progression of previously diagnosed illnesses.


Approx. 30 minutes

Pneumologie Basel Spirometrie (Kleine Lungenfunktion)


The heart sets the rhythm. If you are worried about your heart, we are here for you. At our Herz-Lungen-Praxis, a team of specialists awaits you. They will give you and your health their full attention. and use state-of-the-art technology for diagnosis and treatment.


Kardiologie Basel bei Herzbeschwerden

Herz-Lungen-Praxis Spalenring 147
4055 Basel

T +41 848 121 121

Opening hours Monday – Friday
07:30 – 18:00 h

Arrival Public transport
Bus no. 50
Tram no. 1, no. 6 Brausebad

Swiss Accreditation SMTS 0069
Swiss Accreditation